To celebrate Chinese New Year, the cubs made origami ox bookmarks during their zoom meeting.
Zoom Meeting 02/02
This week on our zoom meeting Euan showed the Scouts how to make a camp classic: chocolate bananas. As well as being tasty, these also went towards parts of the creative challenge and chef’s badge.
Camping at Home
Last week we set the challenge of building a den or pitching a tent and ‘camping’ at home. Each night a Scout spends in their den qualifies for one towards a nights away badge. Here are some photos that have been sent in.
Scouting at Home
Now that we are back to doing virtual meetings, some of our members have been sending in photos of what they’ve been up to.
Thanks to those who have sent in photos already, and anyone else who would like to share any please do send them in.
Leftover Sweets
Kyle had some sweets left over after this weeks Zoom meeting and he made this. Very creative.
Skills Challenge
Finlay has earned his skills challenge after building a Lego model he got for Christmas.
Well done Finlay.
First Badge of 2021
This week Liam earned the water activities badge, after scuba diving on holiday last year.
Starting 2021 in the snow
The weather outside is frightful, but that didn’t stop some of our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts from getting out to build Snow-Scouts and go sledging!
It was even possible for us to tick off some badge requirements for the Adventure Challenge.
Scouting at Home gallery
New Scouts Virtually Invested
While we continue to have our Scout meetings online, we have decided that we will be virtually investing our new Scouts.