Expedition Challenge 2024

Every year we run the Expedition Challenge, where a small group of our older, more experienced Scouts plan and complete a hike to Auchengillan from the Scout hall, carrying all the gear they require for an overnight stay. An aspect of achieving this badge is to present to the rest of the troop about their experience. Here is the presentation made by this year’s Expedition Challenge group.

  • Expedition2024_01
  • Expedition2024_02
  • Expedition2024_03
  • Expedition2024_04
  • Expedition2024_05
  • Expedition2024_06
  • Expedition2024_07
  • Expedition2024_08
  • Expedition2024_09
  • Expedition2024_10
  • Expedition2024_11
  • Expedition2024_12
  • Expedition2024_13
  • Expedition2024_14
  • Expedition2024_15
  • Expedition2024_16
  • Expedition2024_17
  • Expedition2024_18
  • Expedition2024_19

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